A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tire Deadlifts

Home from work early to train because I have a busy evening ahead of me helping my daughter move some furniture. Time to get busy with Tire Deadlifts.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Tire Deadlifts - (no belt, no straps) 230lbs/6 + 1 reps, 320lbs/3 + 1 rep, 410lbs/1 + 1 + 5 reps.

I'm pleased with these 5 reps. I'm good for many more but I have to leave some meat on the bone for next training day. Now I gotta get ready to go. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Swiss OH Press

I was going to press the log tonight but I ran out of time. I will train log this week end when I can take my time and focus. I replaced the log with the swiss bar. It's a narrower grip than the log which makes it more tricep dominant. It's all good.

Rebounding - 20 minutes.

Swiss Bar OH Press - 2 sets/6 reps/bar (20lbs), 2 sets/6 reps/110lbs, 2 sets/4 reps/160lbs, 4 sets/3,2,1,1 reps/180lbs.

Dumbbell Side Laterals - 3 sets/12 reps/20lbs.

I feel much stronger OH. Looking at 200lbs+ this week end.


Monday, January 27, 2025


Yesterday was Squats. Tomorrow I plan on a good Log Press day. Today is perfect as a rest day. Rest is relative. Time to bounce.

Rebounding - 50 minutes.

Gonna have some fun tomorrow.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Squats (finally)

I reveiwed this training blog. More specifically my Squat history. Absolutely pathetic. I haven't squat anything decent or consistant in a year. Leading into Christmas my hip was really bothering me. Little to no squat consistancy needs to be rectified. Today is as good a day as any to start.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.


Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Squats - BW/6 reps, 2 sets/6 reps/bar, 2 sets/6 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/1 rep, 275lbs/1 rep.

Power Phase - 3 sets/1,2,3 reps/315lbs.

Pump Phase - 4 sets/6 reps/185lbs.

Sit Ups - 3 sets/10 reps.

Nothing remotely heavy. Just to complete a proper Squat training day is awesome. Let the consistancy continue. Sit Ups are a nice bonus.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Upper Body Work

A really good week of training so far. Finishing it off with some Upper Body Work is just the ticket.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.
Heavy Grips - 2 sets/20 reps/100, 2 sets/20 reps/150, 2 sets/20 reps/200.

Push Ups - 4 sets/15,15,16,20 reps.

Standing Dumbbell Press - 4 sets/12 reps/30,35,40,50lbs.

Fat Bar Ext - 4 sets/12 reps/30,32.5,35,40kgs.

Dumbbell Side Laterals - 2 sets/12 reps/20lbs.

Still feeling good. Sleep was crap last night but I'm still hammering on.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Deadlifts at bldg 90

First Aid course today finished early. I spent my time productively with some Deadlifts at bldg 90.

I have a soft spot in my heart for bldg 90. I started powerlifting training here almost 20 years ago.

Eliptical - 5 minutes.
Stationary Bike - 10 minutes.

Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Squat - 2 sets/6 reps/bar, 2 sets/6 reps/135lbs.

Deadlifts (no belt, no straps) - 3 sets/3 reps/225lbs, 3 sets/1 rep/315lbs, 2 sets/1 rep/405lbs, 425lbs/1 reps.

WG Lat Pull Downs - 3 sets/12 reps/130,145,160lbs.

A really solid training session. Feeling strong.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Log Press

Before work I got busy in the garage with my Christmas present.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Log Press - 2 sets/6 reps/70lbs, 2 sets/6 reps/120lbs, 170lbs/6 reps, 3 sets/1,1,2 reps/190lbs.

Time to eat then off to work.


Monday, January 20, 2025


I was going to Squat yesterday but I thought it was too cold. This morning it's even colder. -32°C outside. +8°C in the garage. The forecast dosen't seem to let up so I gotta bundle up and get on with it.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Squats (no belt, no sleves) - 2 sets/6 reps/bar, 2 sets/6 reps/135lbs, 4 sets/6 reps/225lbs.


I wore my squat shoes today and widened my stance. Mechanically they felt really good. Lots of leg drive. Something to think about.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Bench Press

Putting in the training days. Staying consistant is the name of the game.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.
Grip Work - as per past blog entries.
Laying Leg Raises - 4 sets/25 reps.

Bench Press - 2 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/8 reps, 4 sets/4,3,3,3 reps/295lbs.

As I get older gains are slow coming. More evident with Bench Press. Ten years ago I was making these reps with 50lbs more. What else am I going to do, quit? Heck no!


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Tire Deadlifts

Jon Pall Sigmarsson was born on april 28th 1960 and his all time favorite movement was the deadlift. 🇮🇸
Therefore, we on the day, of his all too early passing - 16th January - We do deadlifts!!!

Rebounding - 20 minutes.

Tire Deadlifts - 2 sets/6 reps/230lbs, 320lbs/1 rep, 410lbs/1 rep, 500lbs/1 reps, miss 550lbs x 2, 320lbs/6 reps, 320lbs/10 reps.

500lbs felt so effortless I thought I'd be able to pull 600lbs. I'm surprised 550lbs pinned me, twice. Oh well, considering my hip was bothering me so much and just recently, I'll take 500lbs.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Inclined Swiss Press

Working on the same muscles used with Log Presses but much more controlled.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Inclined Swiss Press - 3 sets/12 reps/110lbs, 2 sets/8 reps/160lbs, 2 sets/8,10 reps/180lbs.

Dumbbell Side Laterals - 2 sets/12 reps/20lbs, 30lbs/12 reps.

Feeling really good and strong. I'm about 10lbs heavier than pre holidays. Tomorrow is World Deadlift Day. The day To honour The legend Jón Páll Sigmarsson.

Jon Pall Sigmarsson was born on april 28th 1960 and his all time favorite movement was the deadlift. Therefore, we on the day, of his all too early passing - 16th January - We do deadlifts!


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

SSB Bench Squats with Chains

Thats quite a mouthfull. I wanted to play with my toys to gain some motivation. I'm glad I did. Weights were pretty good considering what I've been lifting lately.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

SSB Bench Squats with Chain - Bar (50lbs)/6 reps, Bar + Chain (90lbs)/6 reps, 230lbs/6 reps, 320lbs/6 reps, 2 sets/6 reps/410lbs.


Obviously the 410lbs is actually 320lbs of plates and bar plus 90lbs of chain. My left hip has recently started to cooperate. I'm happy. Fat and happy.


Sunday, January 12, 2025


I'm a bit confused as to what to call today's training. More grip than anything but still had some fun with other exercises.

Rebounding (with heavy grips and leg raises) - 40 minutes.
Heavy Grips - 4 sets per hand/12 reps/150, 4 sets per hand/12 reps/200.
Lying Leg Raises - 2 sets/25 reps.

Trap Bar Holds - 230lbs/30 sec, 330lbs/30 sec, 430lbs/30 sec, 540lbs/almost 20 sec.

Push Ups - 3 sets/12,14,16 reps.

High Cable Rows - 3 sets/12 reps/50kg.

I'm happy with training. A good finish to the week end and a great start to this next week.

My hip didn't bother me at all this morning. Here's to more pain free mornings.


Friday, January 10, 2025

Log Press

Working nights so training this morning. I've decided to focus on dynamic presses instead of going heavy. My best Log Press is 215lbs with the wooden log I made. Today I worked for reps at aprox 65%. 

Rebounding - 30 minutes.


Log Press - 70lbs/12 reps, 120lbs/6 reps, 3 sets/6,10,10 reps/140lbs, 2 sets/10 reps/70lbs.

Cable Press Downs - 3 sets/12 reps/30kg.

The final two sets of 70lbs had more snap than any log training before. Mission accomplished. More to come.


Wednesday, January 08, 2025


Yesterday I was late getting going. However, I still managed 40 minutes of rebounding combined with grip training with Heavy Grips. Up to the 200 with sets of 12 reps.

Today I started early with going to the hospital to find out about my hip. I'll comment on that shortly. After getting home and having some breakfast I got to work.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Squats (sleeves, no belt) - bar/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 3 sets/3 reps/275lbs.

Split Squats - 3 sets/12 reps per leg.

Regarding my hip. Dr seems to think it's a tight piriformis thats aggravating my sciatic nerve. 

Hense, the pain. He prescribes I do pigeon stretches regularly.

This makes total sense. If it doesn't help I'll go back and physio will be prescribed.


Sunday, January 05, 2025

Curls and Extensions

As the evening came I started to get restless. Its nice having a gym in the garage to put excess energy to good use.

Swiss Bar Curls - 6 sets/12 reps/70lbs.

Fat Bar Cable Ext - 3 sets/12 reps/25kg, 3 sets/12 reps/30kg.

Good arm pump and a place for dinner to go.


Rebounding & Core Work

My hit is finally settling down. No pain this morning. I may get into something else this evening but for now this is what I did so far today.

Rebounding - 45 minutes.

Rebounder Leg Raises - 2 sets/25 reps.


Cramping kept me from doing more core work. Feeling good.


Saturday, January 04, 2025

Farmers and Vikings

The intent today was to do several Farmers holds for around 30 seconds. However, I received a slight twinge on my upper right hamstring from Log work on Wednesday. I did a bit but felt like I needed to move on to something else.

Rebounding (with grip work) - 30 minutes.

Farmers Hold - 2 sets/215lbs per hand/20 sec.

Viking Press - 2 sets/160lbs/12 reps, 2 sets/175lbs/12 reps.

Feeling good.


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Log Press

For Christmas Santa brought me a log. It's a smaller diameter / shorter log. That's perfect for the smaller space I train in. With the charity log lift coming up in March it's time to train.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Log Lift - log (70lbs)/6 reps, 120lbs/6 reps, 3 sets/4,5,5 reps/170lbs.

Cable Triceps Ext - 2 sets/12 reps/30kg.

Standing Barbell Press - 2 sets/6,12 reps/135lbs.

Not bad considering I haven't touched a log in over a year. For sure it will get much better. My initial goal will be the same as it was last year, 220lbs.

My hip felt much better this morning. It was still present but didn't hinder my morning routine.
