For Christmas Santa brought me a log. It's a smaller diameter / shorter log. That's perfect for the smaller space I train in. With the charity log lift coming up in March it's time to train.
Rebounding - 30 minutes.
Log Lift - log (70lbs)/6 reps, 120lbs/6 reps, 3 sets/4,5,5 reps/170lbs.
Cable Triceps Ext - 2 sets/12 reps/30kg.
Standing Barbell Press - 2 sets/6,12 reps/135lbs.
Not bad considering I haven't touched a log in over a year. For sure it will get much better. My initial goal will be the same as it was last year, 220lbs.
My hip felt much better this morning. It was still present but didn't hinder my morning routine.