I've decided to add a Strength Training Phase to my program. The Hypertrophic Training Phase is as I've been working on. However, jumping right into heavy singles at the completion of Hypertrophy seems too big a leap. The following is what I'll be doing to bridge the gap.
Squat/Bench Press/Deadlift each week for 3 weeks. 3 sets/3 reps/same weight as heaviest Hypertrophic sets. Each week will be a slight increase. Squats 365/385/405lbs, Bench Press 305/315/325lbs, Deadlift 405/425/445lbs.
Once this is complete I will do a mock competition doing 3 attempts of all three lifts in one session. Afterwards take a break and continue all over again with the Hypertrophic Training Phase.
Today was day 1 of what I'm calling the 3's.
Stationary Bike - 10 minutes.
Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.
Squats - 2 sets/8 reps/bar, 2 sets/6 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/6 reps, 275lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/4 reps, 3 sets/3 reps/365lbs.
Static Stretches.
A solid training day. Putting to practice good habits under heavier weights.
Training for Halloween.