A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Getting Better

Still have a cough, not as bad. Physically I feel alright. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to normal and ready to train properly. Today I got a little something done.

Rebounding - 45 minutes.

Feeling better.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Still Sick

This morning I went to the hospital. There they gave me another two days off work. I still feel terrible. Yesterday was worst. Today I have a little bit of energy so I did some light activities.

Theragun, lots of Theragun.

Rebounding - 35 minutes.

Raised Leg Crunches - 5 sets/20 reps.

Hopefully a good night sleep will help how I feel. The crunches are getting easier. Previously I would suffer with my abdominals cramping. Not so lately.


Monday, March 10, 2025


I'm sick. Coughing most of last night and my head feels like it's under water. I decided to stay home from work today so I don't pass on whatever it is I have. I'm bored from playing video games. A little rebounding won't hurt.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Now I feel quite exhausted. Time for a rest.


Sunday, March 09, 2025


I slept like crap last night plus I feel like I caught something at the Log Lift event yesterday. I don't feel really sick but I do have a cough that won't let up. My throat isn't sore, not yet. I also feel a little tight in my chest.

Today is a training day. I'm supposed to do Squats but I don't feel like I should push it too hard. Time for some rebounding plus.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm ups.

Push Ups and Burpies - 6 sets/varied.

Rebounding - 6 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

I did a total of 14 Burpies combined with 10 push ups per sets. Jumping to my feet is getting easier. Perfect for preparing for the up coming FORCE test.

While watching a movie tonight I did the following.

Raised Leg Crunches - 6 sets/15 reps.


Saturday, March 08, 2025

Charity Log Lift

 A great day with wonderful people doing amazing things for those less fortunate. Sounds pretty good. Today's Log Lift Competition at Iron Age Gym did just that. This is my first time competing at a max log event. I didn't train much log as I'm focused on being prepared for Battle At The Border. I have been working on my over head pressing strength.

Here's how it went.

160, 180, 190lbs.

I had my normal breakfast which wasn't enough. I was shaking like a leaf after the first warm ups. That said, my goal was to get my name in the record books. I did that and I'm pleased. My log will get better over time. Currently the Mens +50 Open Log Press record is mine at 190lbs.


Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Core and Cardio

I really don't want to take days off that I don't have to. That said I'll continue to do a variation of Muscular Endurance as active recovery on my "off" days. Here's how today went.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Ab Sling Knee Ups - 10 sets/12 reps.

Rebounding - 10 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

Tomorrow I am planning to pull >475lbs on the axle just to prove to myself I'll be ready for Battle at the boder.


Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Hypertrophy Training Week 1 Day 2

Pressing today. I spent much of the morning running around. This didn't leave me much time to train. At least I did a little something.

Rebounding - 10 minutes warm up.

Inclined Axle Press - 115lbs/12 reps, 4 sets/6,6,8,8 reps/205lbs.

Rebounding - 15 minutes.

At this time I gotta start getting ready for work. More to discuss. Just no time today.


Monday, March 03, 2025

Hypertrophy Week 1 Day 1

Yesterday I didn't feel much like training. So, I went for a walk.

This morning is a much different story. I feel amazing. Time to get under the bar.

Rebounding - 10 mimutes warm up.

Squats - bar/10 reps, 135lbs/8 reps, 4 sets/6 reps/225lbs.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

I kept training short as I want to ease into the hypertrophy portion. I really enjoyed the Muscular Endurance and took to it quite well. Now is something different. Walk before running. Next week will be more. Now it's time to eat and get ready for the day.


Saturday, March 01, 2025

Training at Bldg 21

I really like the set up at bldg 21. Lots of bumper plates, quality bars, famers walk handles, yoke, prowlers, a full rack, lifting platform, good sized tires, kettle bells, ect... All that on a large gym floor. Saturdays are the only time its really available. But not every Saturday. Today it was available. Today I went.
Not really training anything specific as it's between Muscular Endurance and Hypertophy training. On top of training for the up coming strongman competition I always have to be aware that I have a FORCE test to do before August. Today I focused on recovery and moving my feet. I walked lots and used the Theragun. I walked/ran about 10 laps of the gym running on the long sides. I'm happy that I was actually able to run. Especially at over 350lbs body weight.


Friday, February 28, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 6

Finishing the Muscular Endurance phase of training strong. Adding an extra day.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Inclined Bench Press - 4 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 3 sets/14 reps/135lbs, 3 sets/16 reps/135lbs.

Rebounding - 10 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

Rebounding - 5 minutes cool down.

I'm really enjoying this style of training. 18,630lbs of volume and 60 minutes of cardio. Very efficient style of training. Next week I'll start Hypertrophy training.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 5

Work this week has left me mentally exhausted. I get home and I don't want to train. But, I do and I feel much better for it. Today I pushed a little bit again.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Bench Squats - 5 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 5 sets/12,12,12,14,16 reps/185lbs.

Rebounding - 10 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

Rebounding - 5 minutes cool down.

20,310lbs for total volume. My conditioning is getting better and the work is getting easier. I'm going to do one more day of muscular endurance tomorrow to finish off the week.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 4

I was supposed to go to bldg 21 so I could walk/jog around the gym floor. However, I found out the the gym floor is booked. Infact it's booked everyday of the week. Darn!

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Push Ups - 5 sets/12 reps, 3 sets/15 reps, 2 sets/20 reps.

Rebounding - 5 minutes on the 5.

These are getting easier. My heart rate is raised but I'm not exhausted. Good pump.


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 3

I took yesterday off, I needed it. However, I did some core work while laying on the livingroom floor.

Raised Leg Crunches - 3 set/15 reps, 3 sets/20 reps, 2 sets/25 reps.

Today was pretty stressfull at work so my head wasn't into training. I should have done Deadlifts today but I really didn't want to. So, I compromised and did something less strenuous. High Cable Rows.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

High Cable Rows - 10 sets/12 reps/50kg.

Rebounding - 10 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

Glad I did something tonight. Now I eat and relax.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 2

I was supposed to go to bldg 21 to train today. I got there only to find that archery was schedulled. Back home for training.

Rebounding - 10 minutes warm up.

Inclined Log Press - 5 sets/10 reps/160lbs, 5 sets/12 reps/160lbs.

Rebounding - 5 minutes on the 5.

Solid training. Good shoulder and triceps pump.


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 1

I decided to start week 3 right away. 10 times through.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Laying Leg Raises - 10 sets/15 reps.

Rebounding - 10 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

Rebounding - 5 minutes cool down.

Nothing difficult. A good core/ab training session.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 2 Day 5

I messed up yesterday. I did Deadlifts at the beginning of week 2. Then again yesterday on day 4. Oh well, what ever doesn't kill me... Back on track today.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

SSB Low Bench Squats - 4 sets/10 reps/140lbs, 4 sets/12 reps/140lbs.

Rebounding - 8 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

After Deadlifts yesterday I was a little shy about doing squats. However, the sport of Strongman is all about mixing up exercises. Good day of training.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 2 Day 4

Yesterday I set up axle for some Axel Bar Tire Deadlifts. I get really motivated the day before training. On the day of training my common sense brain takes over. I assume that's why people hire coaches and trainers. The weight I put on the axle yesterday was almost double from the week previous. That, combined with adding two more sets this week. Let's just say I pushed myself today.

Redounding - 5 minute warm up.

Axle Bar Tire Deadlift - 8 sets/10 reps/210lbs.

Rebounding - 8 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

I forgot to mention that I sepent a decent amount of time with the Theragun yesterday. Some problem areas feel much better today.

I'm extremely pleased with today's performance. 16800lbs total volume combined with 45 minutes of cardio.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 2 Day 3

I'm gonna stop using the acronym ME because it's more commonly used with "Max Effort." Yesterday was an amazing training day. Today I want to keep going but not make it silly. I believe this is an excellent choice.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Ab Sling Knee Ups - 8 sets/12 reps.

Rebounding - 8 sets on the 5 minutes.

Rebounding - 5 minutes cool down.

Adding dedicated core work during the Muscular Endurance phase of training is essential. Glad I gave it a try today.


Monday, February 17, 2025

ME WK 2 Day 2

Today I mixed training up a bit. Since it's Family Day and I don't have to work I decided to go to work to train. It was a great idea as bldg 21 was almost completely empty.

Brisk Walk - 8 sets/3 laps.

Push Ups - 4 sets/12 reps, 4 sets/15 reps.

About 45 minutes total.

Before the eight sets I did three laps of warm up. Then concluded with three laps cool down.

Afterwards I took advantage of all the open space and the bumper plates. 

Clean and Press - 95lbs/6 presses, 145lbs/2 singles, 195lbs/1 rep, 195lbs/3 reps.

I'm really pleased with my performance today. It's a good place to launch from. Three seperate items to work on. FORCE test, Charity Log Lift, Battle at the Border. Gonna be a crazy time.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 2 Day 1

I'm still ironing things out. Last night I spent some time on the livingroom floor stretching and doing crunches.

Raised Legs Crunches - 4 sets/12 reps.

Today I started the week with Tire Deadlifts. Probably the toughest and the most rewarding. Do it first in the week.


Rebounding - 15 minutes warm up.

Tires Deadlifts - 4 sets/12 reps/160lbs, 4 sets/12 reps/180lbs.

Rebounding - 8 sets/on the 5 minutes.

Rebounding - 5 minutes cool down.

The first four sets were not hard so I went up in weight. Last two sets I was huffing and puffing. Conditioning is coming into play.
