A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 3 Deadlifts

Doing deadlifts and cardio is way harder than I was expecting. I was also short on time. Here's what I managed today.

Cardio - 6 minutes (intense)
Deadlifts - 8 reps, 315lbs.
Swiss Ball Crunches - 20 reps.
Deadlifts - 8 reps, 315lbs.

Cardio - 6 minutes (intense)
Deadlifts - 6 reps, 405lbs (equals PB).
Swiss Ball Crunches - 20 reps.
Deadlifts - 4 reps + 2 reps, 405lbs.

Deadlifts - 2 sets, singles, 475lbs.

The singles on the last two sets I concentrated on how fast I was pulling the bar. 475lbs went up quite easy. Speed is my friend. Like I said previously, "I'm trying out new things until my surgery later next month.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 2 Bench/Cardio

Here's how today went.

Cadio - 5 Minutes (intense).
Bench Press - 8 reps, 225lbs.
Abs - Various Exercises.
Bench Press - 8 reps, 225lbs.

Repeat 3 times.

The work out took about 55 minutes and I was sucking wind by the end. I think I'll change things a bit next work out and add something else with the ab work.


Monday, February 25, 2008

First Work Out Back Home

This morning I dragged my sorry self to the gym. I don't have too many weeks till I'm booked for surgery and my lifting has to be put on hold for several weeks. Here's how my work outs are planned out.

Day 1 Squats (3-5 times through)
Cardio - 5 minutes.
Squats - 8 reps.
Sit Ups - 25 reps.
Squats - 8 reps.

Day 2 Bench (3-5 time through)
Cardio - 5 minutes.
Bench Press - 8 reps.
Sit Ups - 25 reps.
Bench Press - 8 reps.

Day 3 Deadlift (3-5 time through)
Cardio - 5 minutes.
Deadlifts - 8 reps.
Sit Ups - 25 reps.
Deadlifts - 8 reps.

Today I performed day 1 3 times through. Here's how it went

Cardio - 5 minutes.
Squats - 8 reps, 225lbs.
Sit Ups - 25 reps.
Squats - 8 reps, 225lbs.

Lots of fun. Tomorrow same thing but bench press.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Squat Day

The boys wanted to squat today. Who am I to say no.

Raw Squats - 135lbs/10 reps, 225lbs/3 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
*knee wraps*
Squats - 385lbs/1 rep, 405lbs/1 rep.
*put suit on straps up*
Squats - 495lbs/1 rep, 545lbs/miss.

Had a busy day at work and got caught on the rack when walking out. I know I shouldn't come up with excuses. Another day I would have had it.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cardio and Ab

Yes I know I wrote "Ab". I have one big ab and I worked it out. Here's the work out.

*following x4*
5 Minutes intense cardio.
20 Sit Ups.

I felt very good upon completion of this work out. It's a great way to get away from the grind yet still work on the many weak spots I have. Tonight is a day off. I drove with some friends on the Makenzie Ice Highway to Tuktiuktuk. Very cool, infact very cold.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bench Day

Another great work out. This time away I want to work on my weak points. Yesterday I did just that. Check it out.

Flat Bench Press - 95lbs/12 reps, 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 275lbs/4 reps, 295lbs/1 rep.
Push Ups - 20, 12, 12 reps.
*super set*
Cable Extensions - 60lbs/12 reps, 70lbs/12 reps, 80lbs/12 reps.
Cambered Bar Curls - 70lbs/12 reps, 70lbs/12 reps, 90lbs/12 reps.

I really like the push ups after bench. I can go to failure and not worry about getting pinned. I want to start working on my bicep strength since I haven't training them consistantly in over a year. I feel this will help my bench press.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Inuvik Work Out

I'm in Inuvik once again and none the worse. I've managed to get to the gym only once since Sunday. Here's how my work out went.

Squats - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/4 reps, 315lbs/4 reps.
Deadlifts - 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/6 reps, 385lbs/3 reps, 455lbs/2 reps.
Lat Pull Downs
Seated Rows
Lat Press Downs

I was pleased with how it went. Next work out will be more structured.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Here I Go Again

Once again I'm off to the "Great White North". Can't say when or where but I do know from experience that there is a gym and enough weights to keep me happy. This time I'm bringing all my raw lifting gear and a Titan Centurion squat suit. Oh the fun I will have. I'll keep ya'll posted.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thursday Speed Squats/Deadlifts

I didn't have as much time to lift today as I would have liked. My Mom called and we got to talking. Here's today's work out.

Speed Squats - 10 sets, 2 reps, 275lbs (completely raw on 45 sec).
Speed Deadlifts - 6 sets, 1 rep, 405lbs (completely raw on 45 sec).

Play Basketball with co workers for 30 minutes.
moving stair machine for 10 minutes.

That moving stair machine is insane. I love it! I haven't used it in years and I forgot what kind of a work out it gives you. I'll be incorperating it more often. I went up in weight for the speed squats and it felt pretty good. 405lbs for raw speed deadlift is a bit heavy. I'll play with the weight a bit. I just hate going down when I'm feeling this good. Tomorrow is Max Bench.


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tuesday Speed Bench Press

I feel like I'm experencing a strength "spurt". The last bunch of work outs have felt very strong. Here's yesterday's work out.

Speed Bench Press - 10 sets, 3 reps, 205lbs.
Inclined Dumbbell Press - 6 reps/90lbs, 6 reps/100lbs, 5 reps/110lbs.
Dips - 7, 7, 6, 6 reps/50lbs assistance.
Supported Rows - 8 reps/100lbs, 8 reps/145lbs, 6 reps/170lbs, 6 reps/190lbs.
Seated Military Press - 6 reps/115lbs, 6 reps/135lbs, 6 reps/135lbs, 6 reps/155lbs.
Machine Flys - 3 sets, 8 reps, stack (250lbs).
Parallel Lat Pull Downs - 3 sets, 8 reps, 160lbs.

Played 1/2 court basketball for 30 minutes.

The work out felt great. I spent about 3 hours at the gym to complete everything. I'm not a big fan of cross training. I almost always injure myself when doing "other" sports. Yesterday was no exception. The last pass of the game was to me and when I stretched to catch it I pulled my left calf muscle. Very nice. It's been gradually getting better since then so I'll see how it is before Speed Squats/Deadlifts tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Monday Max Effort Squat/Deadlift

Another Monday Max Effort has come and gone and I can't help but feel better for it. Here's how things went.

Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/6 reps.
*Knee wraps*
Squats - 405lbs/3 reps.
*Over a bench*
Squats - 455lbs/1 rep, 455lbs/2 reps, 465lbs/1 rep.

Heavy Walk Outs - 545lbs, 585lbs, 615lbs (12 sec hold).

Rack Pulls - 405lbs/3 reps, 495lbs/1 rep, 545lbs/1 rep, 545lbs/1 rep (8 inch rack).

Sit Ups - 20, 10, 10 reps.

Today's work out felt very strong. The squats are up and I'm feeling much more comfortable with the heavier weights. The rack pulls from well below the knee feel more productive than about the knee. High rack pulls became a method to injury. Better this way.
