Once again working on my speed and dynamic power. I also brought two squat suits to play with. I don't like them.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Foam Rolling.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Squats - 5 sets/1 rep/405lbs.
Not too difficult. The first set was with out a belt or sleeves. After the 2nd set I tried on my two squats suits. They fit really well but holy crap are they not fun to wear. Next three sets were dynamic. Quick and easy.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
More of a social work out today. I got together with a good friend of mine who is a certified Cross Fit and Olympic lifting coach. We spent more time talking about training than lifting. Very rewarding.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - bar/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps.
Working Sets
Deadlifts - 315lbs/6 reps, 405lbs/4 reps, 495lbs/2 rep, 565lbs/miss.
I was given a great quote from my training partner today after I missed 565lbs. "The difference between an amateur lifter and a pro lifter is that a pro lifter doesn't do battle with the weights. The weights are simply a tool to improve strength and missing a lift is just part of training". This makes a lot of sense to me. Weights don't take lifting personally, why should I?
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - bar/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps.
Working Sets
Deadlifts - 315lbs/6 reps, 405lbs/4 reps, 495lbs/2 rep, 565lbs/miss.
I was given a great quote from my training partner today after I missed 565lbs. "The difference between an amateur lifter and a pro lifter is that a pro lifter doesn't do battle with the weights. The weights are simply a tool to improve strength and missing a lift is just part of training". This makes a lot of sense to me. Weights don't take lifting personally, why should I?
Thursday, June 26, 2014
CPU Lifter Rankings
From last Nationals my CPU Lifter Ranking has gone up from 42 to 37. Pat on my back.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Bench Press
Fun Bench Press day.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/10 reps, 315lbs/6 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 2 sets/1 rep/337lbs, 3 sets/1 rep/359lbs.
Bench Press (with Titan RAM) - 359lbs/3 reps, 385lbs/2 reps, 405lbs/2 reps.
Support Work
Lying Dumbbell French Press - 3 sets/12 reps/35lbs.
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/35lbs.
Bent Over Barbell Rows - 3 sets/12 reps/135lbs.
Bench Press is feeling stronger even though I'm not following any sort of structured program. Playing with the RAM was fun.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/10 reps, 315lbs/6 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 2 sets/1 rep/337lbs, 3 sets/1 rep/359lbs.
Bench Press (with Titan RAM) - 359lbs/3 reps, 385lbs/2 reps, 405lbs/2 reps.
Support Work
Lying Dumbbell French Press - 3 sets/12 reps/35lbs.
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/35lbs.
Bent Over Barbell Rows - 3 sets/12 reps/135lbs.
Bench Press is feeling stronger even though I'm not following any sort of structured program. Playing with the RAM was fun.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Just when I think I know it all I learn something else.
Warm Up
Stationary Bike - 5 minutes.
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps.
Knee is now bothering me so time to try out foam rolling my IT band.
Squats - 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/4 reps. Much Better.
Power Phase
working on speed and form
Squats (with belt) - 365lbs/1 rep, 7 sets/1 rep/385lbs.
Pump Phase
Squats (no belt) - 2 sets/3 reps/315lbs.
Let me explain what I began this post with. I have noticed that bigger lifters squat with a wide grip. Lately I have had problems with leaning over my toes and "good morning" the end to the squat. With a wide grip on the bar it allowed me to sit back and keep my chest up by allowing the bar to sit slightly lower on my back. This in turn allowed me to drive more with my hips and glutes. Interestingly enough, the 6th and 7th sets were easier than the 2nd and 3rd. Now back to the drawing board.
Warm Up
Stationary Bike - 5 minutes.
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps.
Knee is now bothering me so time to try out foam rolling my IT band.
Squats - 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/4 reps. Much Better.
Power Phase
working on speed and form
Squats (with belt) - 365lbs/1 rep, 7 sets/1 rep/385lbs.
Pump Phase
Squats (no belt) - 2 sets/3 reps/315lbs.
Let me explain what I began this post with. I have noticed that bigger lifters squat with a wide grip. Lately I have had problems with leaning over my toes and "good morning" the end to the squat. With a wide grip on the bar it allowed me to sit back and keep my chest up by allowing the bar to sit slightly lower on my back. This in turn allowed me to drive more with my hips and glutes. Interestingly enough, the 6th and 7th sets were easier than the 2nd and 3rd. Now back to the drawing board.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Bench Press
Last week I missed posting my Bench Press work out. That said I will post both last week and today.
12 June 2014
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/8 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 3 sets/1, 2, 1 reps/335lbs, 3 sets/1, 2, 1 reps/345lbs.
Pump Phase and Support Work
Bench Press (with light bands) - 3 sets/5, 5, 6 reps/345lbs minus bands.
Dumbbell French Press - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 35, 40lbs.
Seated Hammer Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 35, 40lbs.
Lat Pull Downs - 3 sets/8 reps/180lbs.
A solid work out.
Today's Work Out
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 135lbs/12 reps(NG), 225lbs/10 reps, 315lbs/6 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 335lbs/2 reps, 3 sets/1 rep/345lbs.
Pump Phase and Support Work
Bench Press (with light bands) - 3 sets/7, 7, 6 reps/345lbs minus light bands.
Dumbbell French Press - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 40, 40lbs.
Seated Hammer Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 40, 40lbs.
A bit stronger every week. This morning I worked out before coming to work. Getting up @ 0430hrs is tough on the body but with my schedule lately I have to get the work outs in when I can. Now if I can only keep my eyes open... YAWN!!!...
12 June 2014
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/8 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 3 sets/1, 2, 1 reps/335lbs, 3 sets/1, 2, 1 reps/345lbs.
Pump Phase and Support Work
Bench Press (with light bands) - 3 sets/5, 5, 6 reps/345lbs minus bands.
Dumbbell French Press - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 35, 40lbs.
Seated Hammer Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 35, 40lbs.
Lat Pull Downs - 3 sets/8 reps/180lbs.
A solid work out.
Today's Work Out
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 135lbs/12 reps(NG), 225lbs/10 reps, 315lbs/6 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 335lbs/2 reps, 3 sets/1 rep/345lbs.
Pump Phase and Support Work
Bench Press (with light bands) - 3 sets/7, 7, 6 reps/345lbs minus light bands.
Dumbbell French Press - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 40, 40lbs.
Seated Hammer Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/35, 40, 40lbs.
A bit stronger every week. This morning I worked out before coming to work. Getting up @ 0430hrs is tough on the body but with my schedule lately I have to get the work outs in when I can. Now if I can only keep my eyes open... YAWN!!!...
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Went to the 14 Wing Powerhouse to train the kids. As I am posted to Winnipeg shortly and this will be the last training day for the kids before exams Friday was the last day I will see them. I was a bit emotional especially for one of the Special Olympians, Phil Brown. At 47 years old, about 5'3" and 130lbs he is a force to be reckoned with. If I could bottle his intensity when he lifts I could put red bull out of business. Friday was another great Deadlift day.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Pause Squats - 3 sets/6 reps/115lbs.
Working Sets
Deadlifts - 315lbs/6 reps, 405lbs/4 reps, 495lbs/2 reps, 565lbs/1 rep.
Very solid pull and I'm grad to see the power is there even though my training is not consistent.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Pause Squats - 3 sets/6 reps/115lbs.
Working Sets
Deadlifts - 315lbs/6 reps, 405lbs/4 reps, 495lbs/2 reps, 565lbs/1 rep.
Very solid pull and I'm grad to see the power is there even though my training is not consistent.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
This post is a bit late. I did Squats on Monday before work. I am still having problems with knee pain. I have considered the symptoms and believe the problem to be an overly tight IT Band.

Here is a link to further explain things; http://www.speedandstrengthcoach.com/SolvingKneePain.html
I did some further stretching and although the knee pain was present at the beginning of the work out it gradually went away. That said, the thought of possible knee pain left my squats cautious and not as strong as I would have liked. It's tough to move big weights when you don't have confidence in your body.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Squats (with belt) - 3 sets/1 rep/405lbs, 2 sets/1 rep/415lbs.
Pump Phase
Squats (with medium bands) - 3 sets/4 reps/405lbs minus medium bands).
Sit Ups - 3 sets/15 reps.
The sit ups are the first core work I've done in a while. The knee pain could be caused by several factors; weak core, tight or weak glutes, tight or weak hamstrings, or tight IT band. I will do my best to identify and rectify my problems.

Here is a link to further explain things; http://www.speedandstrengthcoach.com/SolvingKneePain.html
I did some further stretching and although the knee pain was present at the beginning of the work out it gradually went away. That said, the thought of possible knee pain left my squats cautious and not as strong as I would have liked. It's tough to move big weights when you don't have confidence in your body.
Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Squats (with belt) - 3 sets/1 rep/405lbs, 2 sets/1 rep/415lbs.
Pump Phase
Squats (with medium bands) - 3 sets/4 reps/405lbs minus medium bands).
Sit Ups - 3 sets/15 reps.
The sit ups are the first core work I've done in a while. The knee pain could be caused by several factors; weak core, tight or weak glutes, tight or weak hamstrings, or tight IT band. I will do my best to identify and rectify my problems.
Saturday, June 07, 2014
Bench Press
I had about an hour between Birthday parties attended by my kids. Time for some Bench Press.
Warm Up
Shoulder Rotations and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/10 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 3 sets/1 rep/315lbs, 3 sets/1 rep/335lbs (last set for 2 reps).
Support Work
Dumbbell Curls - 2 sets/12 reps/35lbs.
Seated Machine Flies - 1 set/12 reps/205lbs.
Rope Triceps Extensions - 1 set/50lbs/12 reps.
Not much time but good enough to enjoy a decent pump.
Warm Up
Shoulder Rotations and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/10 reps.
Power Phase
Bench Press - 3 sets/1 rep/315lbs, 3 sets/1 rep/335lbs (last set for 2 reps).
Support Work
Dumbbell Curls - 2 sets/12 reps/35lbs.
Seated Machine Flies - 1 set/12 reps/205lbs.
Rope Triceps Extensions - 1 set/50lbs/12 reps.
Not much time but good enough to enjoy a decent pump.
Friday, June 06, 2014
Decided to try something different and went to the Base Gym tonight for some Squats.
Warm Up
Elliptical - 5 minutes.
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/4 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Squats - 5 sets/1 rep/405lbs.
Support Work
Squats - 315lbs/4 reps, 225lbs/6 reps.
Seated Leg Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/105lbs.
Seated Leg Extensions - 3 sets/12 reps/150lbs.
Cool Down
Walk on indoor track - 4 laps.
Not a very strong work out but at least I got under the bar tonight.
Warm Up
Elliptical - 5 minutes.
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/4 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
Power Phase
Squats - 5 sets/1 rep/405lbs.
Support Work
Squats - 315lbs/4 reps, 225lbs/6 reps.
Seated Leg Curls - 3 sets/12 reps/105lbs.
Seated Leg Extensions - 3 sets/12 reps/150lbs.
Cool Down
Walk on indoor track - 4 laps.
Not a very strong work out but at least I got under the bar tonight.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Understanding the Squat
Here is an extremely good article written by Dave Tate. I know I will review this article several times in the pursuit of a better squat.
Sunday, June 01, 2014
Training with the kids at the 14 Wing Powerhouse. Deadlifts were fun.
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/6 reps, 365lbs with light bands/4 reps.
Deadlifts - 315lbs/6 reps, 405lbs/5 reps, 495lbs/2 reps.
Easy work out but good. I haven't done Deadlifts in a while so I really needed to pull. All sets and reps were done with out a belt. Another busy week ahead.
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/6 reps, 365lbs with light bands/4 reps.
Deadlifts - 315lbs/6 reps, 405lbs/5 reps, 495lbs/2 reps.
Easy work out but good. I haven't done Deadlifts in a while so I really needed to pull. All sets and reps were done with out a belt. Another busy week ahead.
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