Sorry it's been a while since my last post. Last week I ran and did deadlifts. On Monday I went to a friend's place for a pre meet clinic and did some more deadlifting. Here is the history.
Friday Sept 22nd
Jogging AM - 8 mins (much quicker than previous)
Personal Training - Helped a friend get started in a weight training program
Deadlifts - 6 sets, 5 reps, 365lbs.
All in all a very busy day. The deadlifts were great. I'm finding the volume is really helping my technique.
Sunday Sept 24th
Jogging PM - aprox. 12 mins
I was restless after dinner so I went for a jog. It felt good. I should have no problem with my PT test on the 29th.
Monday Sept 25th
Deadlifts - A bunch of us went to a pre meet clinic at my friends house where we reviewed the rules and regs for competitive powerlifting. We also had some time to go over our lifting technique. I wanted to do deadlifts. Here is goes.
180kg for 4 reps warm up
200kg for two warm up. A new record for me but the second rep was ugly. More of a staight legged deadlifts. My belt pinched my fat tummy.
240kg for a singleI havent touched anything over 500lbs since last year. Doing 529lbs is a huge boost to my motivation. I am hoping for 250kg for November and it looks like I may do it.