A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Muscular Endurance Week 3 Day 5

Work this week has left me mentally exhausted. I get home and I don't want to train. But, I do and I feel much better for it. Today I pushed a little bit again.

Rebounding - 5 minutes warm up.

Bench Squats - 5 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 5 sets/12,12,12,14,16 reps/185lbs.

Rebounding - 10 sets/5 minutes on the 5.

Rebounding - 5 minutes cool down.

20,310lbs for total volume. My conditioning is getting better and the work is getting easier. I'm going to do one more day of muscular endurance tomorrow to finish off the week.


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