A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year Reflection/Prediction

2023 has been quite the crazy year. First let's review the predictions I had for 2023.

Here are some predictions for 2023.

Since Covid is slowing becoming a thing of the past moving back to normal is the goal. We caught Covid and servived Covid. We got our shots. Time to move on. Being a recluse is comfortable. Being social takes effort. When the winter is over it's time to party! Life is too short to hang out at home.

I really want to tour the Central/Southern/Eastern United States. It would be a very long trip but life is short. Now to convince the wife. My two kids at home would love to do it. Fingers crossed.

As per getting out of the house I would like to compete again. It's been since 2016 that I did battle. There's a novice strongman competition coming up in the spring. Maybe. I'll continue to focus on form and mobility and continue to get stronger.

Other than getting out and about I'm very happy with life. So, not many changes for 2023.

Here's what happened in 2023.

In January our dishwasher leaked from an Improperly installed drain line. It took two years to come loose. Water leaked under the kitchen floor and into the basement. We called the insurance company and thankfully we were covered for all damages. Since so much work was getting done we took the contractor's advice and decided to upgrade our entire kitchen and basement. Some of the expenses are ours but it's a great opportunity to update a large percentage of our 1990's home. During the summer our contractor decided to drop our job and we were lefts on the hook to find a new contractor to carry out the job. Long story short, we found an excellent new contactor and we're happy about that despite still living in the middle of a construction project. All the plans to travel were canceled and life has literally been on pause.

I started working Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Have been for most of the year. In September I told my boss that I quit. There were several big issues that my employer handled extremely poorly. That plus being constantly treated like shit, it was time to move on. However, a week into my two weeks notice our executive promised us they would be taking a more active roll in our quality of life at the work place. I decided to stick around to see what changes would be made if any. The middle of December I formally resigned. My last day of work is 7 January. Currently, I'm hoping for Nonsuch Brewing to contact me or I'm getting back into the reserves. 

In April I competed at my first strongman competition. Such a lot of fun that also scared the crap outta me. I was the oldest and finished 14th of 22 athletes. Some events, log and frame deadlifts I did really well. Other events, kegs and yoke carry I really sucked. Lots to work on but lots of fun. In November I helped out at Strongest Women In Canada (SWIC) and Canadian Strongman Nationals. It was held at Minto Armouries. An amazing venue for an even more amazing event. Lots of work but I'm glad I volunteered. Silly me I signed up for the Manitoba Provincial Powerlifting Championships. I'm into week three of training. Everything is going well. I comment regularly about training on this blog. 

I stopped taking Contrave. It seemed to work alright at first but towards the end it was making me snack more. No regrets. I'm glad not to be taking four pills everyday. 

A new driver backed into my car and wrinkled my driver's side door. I have an appointment 10 January to see if it will be repaired of be written off. I love this car.

Family is doing well. It sucks to be waiting for the renovations but everyone is holding together. My wife is doing better than ever. I'm so lucky she loves me. Only two kids at home. The older graduated with a proper graduation ceremony. It was really nice. Now she's taking a year off to work and figure out what she's going to do. Our youngest is still trucking along. Grade ten is going well. Two more to go. Her goal is to become a lawyer. My oldest child is still winning at life. My son is also having lots of fun.

Here is my prediction for 2024.

So far it looks like it's going to be the conclusion of everything that's been happening in 2023. It's going to be a huge year. However, there isn't a whole lot to discuss as the wheels are already in motion  for what's going to happen.

The kitchen/house should be done by the spring. Couple more months to go.

My parents are selling their house in Nova Scotia and moving to Winnipeg. Hopefully this will happen shortly after the Manitoba Provincials 2-4 February. Having them here will be a huge improvement in their quality of life.

I will be starting another job. I hope I can get into the reserves.

I may be getting a new (to me) car.

Maybe I'll do a Strongman competition in the fall. 

Happy New Year 

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