A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Hypertrophic Squats (sort of)

What a messed up day. It started when I got up. An hour before my alarm went off my lower back flaired up. I got up and got my day started.  I had breakfast at around 1000hrs but instead of having the usual low carb eggs and cheese I decided to have a big bowl of oatmeal. One bowl turned into two bowls. I sat around most of the day. By 1500hrs I went outside and was surprised by the temperature. +18 degC. I didn't want to waste the beautiful day so I decided to try some Squats. After the first warm up set I was feeling spinny because of the carbs at breakfast.

Everything was a recipe for failure. By the fourth rep of the first working set I noticed a flare in my right hip and my right knee caved in a bit to compensate. The fifth rep was the same. Time to stop. Oh well. That's what I get for being stupid.

Leg Swings and Light Stretches.

Buffalo Bar Squats - 48lbs/6 reps, 148lbs/6 reps, 248lbs/6 reps, 318lbs/5 reps.

Plate Goblet Squats - 35lbs/6 reps, 50lbs/6 reps.

I feel horrible.


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