A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Friday, September 11, 2020

Max Effort Bench Press and Squats

I missed posting the other day. Both bench and squats went really well.

09 Sept 2020

Max Effort Bench Press 

Light Stretches and Shoulder Mobility.

Rotator Laterals and Band Work.

Bench Press - 2 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/8 reps, 315lbs/3 reps, 365lbs/1 rep, 365lbs/1 rep, 3 sets/1 rep/375lbs, 365lbs/2 reps.

Push Ups - 3 sets/20 reps.

I find Bench Press takes a while to warm up my CNS. I usually get stronger several working sets in.

11 Sept 2020

Max Effort Squats

Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Squats (no belt) - 2 sets/10 reps/bar, 2 sets/8 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/8 reps, 315lbs/4 reps.

Squats (belt) - 365lbs/3 reps, 405lbs/2 reps, 425lbs/1 rep, 405lbs/1 rep.

Squats (no belt) - 225lbs/10 reps.

Much better than last ME Squat training all the way around. Next heavy day I think I'll keep to 405lbs and focus on form, control and dynamics. 


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