A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Friday, June 01, 2018

Great Day Of Training

This morning I got up early for a walk. The typical 2km around the block. Today I spent the day sitting in a classroom. Not too much activity there. This evening was a different story.

Leg Swings and Stretching.

Super Set the following

OH Squats - 2 sets/6 reps/bar, 4 sets/6 reps/55lbs. (last set for 8 reps).
Standing Military Press - 2 sets/6 reps/bar/4 sets/6 reps/55lbs. (last set for 8 reps).
Burpees - 6 sets/6 reps. (last set for 8 reps)

After that I really wanted to go for another walk.

Walking - ~6km, 1hr 5min.

My Fitbit says I burned over 1000 cal. There was a section of bike path I pushed myself and ran from one end to the other it was about 600m. That is really good for me currently. In about a month from now if everything keeps going well that will be nothing. Feeling good.


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