A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Saturday, November 11, 2017

I'm Retired

I've been dragging my feet about writing this post but I guess I can't put it off any longer. I am retiring from Powerlifting. I started this blog back in 2005 when I started Powerlifting. Tomorrow starts my first day training to get back into swimming. There are several reasons why I'm quitting competitive Powerlifting. The most important reason is, I have been over 300lbs for over 10 years. As I'm getting older I need a serious change. I love swimming. I always have. Being big and strong is no longer a priority for me. The ketogenic diet I started about 5 weeks ago is going great. I started at 355lbs. This morning I weighed in at 333lbs. Down 22lbs and I'm feeling much better about myself. Now is time to strike and hit the pool. I will continue to post my progress which will include my swim practices and eventually my competitions. Weights will always be part of my training, just not the priority.


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