A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Thursday, January 09, 2014

405lbs BENCH PRESS!!!

Today at work I had about an hour to hit some Bench Press. I didn't have enough time to do a full work out. None the less my Bench Press really surprised me.

Warm Up
Leg Swings and Stretching.
Bench Press - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/10 reps, 315lbs/5 reps.

Power Phase
Bench Press (with wrist wraps) - 4 sets/1 rep/365lbs, 385lbs/1 rep, 405lbs/1 rep!!!

At this point I was out of time and had to get back to work. It didn't matter I omitted the Pump Phase because 385lbs is a 10lbs PB and 405lbs is a 30lbs PB!!!

Here is the video; 405lbs Bench Press!!!


1 comment:

northernhiro said...

awesome PR! Congrats!