A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Morning Core and Cardio

With the competition next week I just need to keep active. No heavy lifts. This morning, on an empty stomach, I got out to beat the streets again. This time with a twist.

Repeat the following 4 times
Walk Around the Neighbourhood - 8.5 minutes~
Stability Ball Sit Ups - 30 reps.

I'm eager to be weighed in next Monday for the competition. I feel like I may be down 5 to 10 pounds.


1 comment:

northernhiro said...

awesome progress on the weight loss. I've slowly dropped from 299 to 235 (current) over the past 4 years. It's been a bit hard seeing my squat and bench press go down over that time but my deadlift has gone up and I feel a ton better so it's been a worthwhile journey.