A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Monday, July 04, 2011

Sore Foot

Since last week my left foot has been bothering me. I have a painful spot on the top of my foot which is causing some nasty swelling. Today I went to the Dr why said I may have CellulitisNot wanting to aggravate anything I stuck to the bench.

Warm Up
Bench Press - 2 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 1 set/10 reps/225lbs.

Power Sets
Bench Press - 5 sets/1 rep/295lbs, 2 sets/1 rep/325lbs.
*3 minutes rest after each set*

Pump Phase
Bench Press - 5 sets/5 reps/235lbs, 1 set/4 reps/235lbs.
*3 minutes rest after each set*

Extra Stuff
Barbell Shrugs - 3 sets/6 reps/235lbs.
Band Assisted Pull Ups - 3 sets/9 reps.

It's 1815hrsL right now and my foot is very swollen. I need to go lay down and elevate my foot. Have a good night.


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