A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Keeping active

This week has been really great! Here's how training has gone.

Monday - Morning jog aprox 2.5km. Cycle to work and back 14km/40min total.

Tuesday - Cycle to work and back 14km/40 min total.

Wednesday - Weights

Squats - 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/4 reps, 405lbs/1 rep, 315lbs/4 reps.
Bench Press (narrowish grip) - 135lbs/20 reps, 225lbs/8 reps, 275lbs/4 reps, 295lbs/2 reps, 135lbs/20 reps.
Hammer Curls (lbs per dumbbell alt) - 45lbs/12 reps, 55lbs/12 reps, 65lbs/12 reps.
Dumbbell Side Laterals - 25lbs/12 reps, 30lbs/12 reps.

I've decided to take Thursday off and I'll be jogging / walking again Friday.



Unknown said...

Hi, did a search on powerlifting and Dubai and somehow ended up in your log. Can see you are not living in Dubai anymore, if you have previous and know of any powerlifting clubs i would be very interested!


Peter Nielsen

Snowdaddy said...

Actually I did do some research about powerlifting in the UAE and found that there are several gyms in Abu Dabi that work out hardcore powerlifting. Dubai unfortunatly had nothing.