A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Totally Typical

Just when I thought my training was going great my work has called me away to Inuvik in the Yukon. My plight will last up to two weeks although I could be sent home sooner. I've brought all my essentials but I'll have to put off gear training till the third last week before the competition (that doesn't include a week of rest). I'm trying to look at this in a positive manner. The time away from the gym will do me good and I haven't been into town yet where the guys say there is a good gym. We'll see.
The weather here is a prelim for what we will be getting back home in another month. It's about -3 during the day and -12 at night. Inuvik isn't past the tree line but I'm sure it's damn close. The trees here are no taller than 12 ft and everything is coniferous. The sorta place you expect to walk into wildlife on your way to work in the morning. Last night I slept on a small cot, the floor, cot, floor, and then finally the cot. This morning I spent some time searching for something more comfortable to sleep on. There are some gym mats in a room they say is a gym. I think I'll liberate one and give it a try tonight. There isn't much to say about this place because I just got here. So on that note I'll say till next time.


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