A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Resolution

Every year at this time I post about my year in review and my expectations for the year to come. Last year I posted this as my goals.

 In 2018, I want to bring my body weight down to 275lbs.I want to improve my overall cardiovascular conditioning. I can do this through swimming.I don't want to stop lifting. I want to continue to be strong. I just don't want it to be a priority.There will be some big changes in my career as I am ranked for promotion. My wife will also have some big career changes. These changes will be the greatest factors effecting our lives.2018 will be a year of big change for me and my family. Once these changes have been identified I can make new goals.

In 2018 this is what actually happened

I did bring my body weight down to 272lbs via a ketogenic diet. By limiting carbohydrates my energy levels are great and regulated throughout the day. I feel great. I was walking regularly and my cardiovascular fitness was much better. I started swimming but it didn't last long. My left shoulder started to bother me so I stopped. Walking was my go to exercise. Several times I managed to walk over 10km. 2018 was a big year of change. I'm currently back to lifting weights and getting strong again. I stopped walking since winter has set in. I gained back about 30lbs but I'm still much lighter than I used to be. When the spring comes again I will start to walk again.

I finally had enough of my current employment. Being treated as a qualification and not a person for so many year has taken its toll. After many visits with mental health I concluded it was time to look after me and my wellbeing. I went to the release section and signed my release. I am scheduled for release this April 2nd. In preparation for retirement I completed Commissionaires training and I am currently employed part time as a security guard. This change of pace has helped me manage anxious moments by knowing that I don't have to tolerate my current situation. I have also applied at CP Rail and a Class A reserve position. Both I haven't heard back from. Fingers crossed.

Family wise I couldn't be happier. My kids still impress the heck out of me. I am more in love with my wife than ever before.

For 2019 I have lots of questions but must wait to see the outcome. I have continued to be a good person so I'm sure charma will be good to me.

I will continue to lift and walk when it gets warmer. I will lose more weight this next year by continuing to follow a ketogenic diet. I will continue to love and charish my family. A new career awaits me. I just don't know what it is yet.

2018 was a big year to implement change 2019 will be the year to set the new foundation for the second half of my life.


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