A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Friday, December 16, 2011

Treadmill Walking

Plan for this morning was to get on the treadmill and walk for time. I noted that one of my deficiencies is hamstring endurance. After the first ten minutes of walking I had to stop and stretch. Pretty poor performance but I have time to change that.

Walk - 10 minutes, 4% incline, 3.4 mph.
Walk - 20 minutes, 4% incline, 3.4 mph.
Sit Ups - 40 reps (my abs started to cramp up).
Walk - 15 minutes, 4% incline, 3.5 mph.
Bench Squats - 3 sets/12 reps/135lbs.

I'm still a bit concerned about my left knee so I kept my squats light and on the bench. Right now I know I worked my knee but it doesn't feel injured. I don't know why my abs cramp up after sit ups. I'll have to research this.


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