A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Monday, November 14, 2011

Military Atlantic Regionals

Up next week is the second competition on the schedule for this month. I've never done two competitions this close together and I'm finding out some new aspects of my training and recovery. In the past after a competition my strength has been rock bottom. It usually takes two weeks before I'm even able to lift light weights. This time around I gave myself a test. Last Friday didn't dissapoint, 405lbs squat for a double! and 335lb bench press! Today I'm under the bar doing squats.

Warm Up
Stationary Bike - 7 minutes.
Lots of stretching.

Working Sets
Squats - 2 sets/6 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/4 reps, 315lbs/2 reps, 405lbs/1 rep, 455lbs/1 rep.

Heavy Walk Outs - 495lbs/15 sec hold, 585lbs/15 sec hold, 635lbs/15 sec hold.

Everything felt solid. The 455lbs squat was really slow coming up but was to depth (I video taped it). Tomorrow I'll do some bench press work then I'll rest up for the competitiom. Now I'm going for some cardio and walk (~5km) to meet my wife for lunch.


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