A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bench Press

Today during training I watched the 2010 World's Strongest Man and once again I've realized that I'm a weak little baby. :-(

Warm Up
Bench Press - 3 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 2 sets/6 reps/225lbs.

Power Sets
Bench Press - 6 sets/1 rep/275lbs (5 minutes rest between sets).

Pump Sets
Bench Press - 5 sets/3 reps/225lbs, 1 sets/4 reps/225lbs.

Core Work
Ab Sling Knee Ups - 4 sets/14 reps.

Cardio/Cool Down
Stationary Bike - 10.0 minutes.

Light Stretching.

I keep saying, I don't find these work outs to be very difficult but 2 hours post work out the effort really hits me. The power will come gradually over time. Man, I wish I would have started this program several years earlier. Here is a forcast of what the work outs will be like after 1 year.

Squats - 8 sets/1 rep/465lbs, 6 sets/5 reps/315lbs.
Bench Press - 8 sets/1 rep/405lbs, 6 sets/5 reps/265lbs.
Deadlift - 8 sets/1 rep/495lbs, 6 sets/5 reps/355lbs
Seated Shoulder Press - 8 sets/1 rep/315lbs, 6 sets/5 reps/175lbs.

I don't know if it will follow linearly as the program states but these are the forcasted numbers. I'll be sure to stick with it and see.


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