A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Day

This morning I went to the gym with my son for my last serious jogging training day. I figured he would give me inspiration to jog farther and he did.

Warm Ups - Stretching and Walking.
Jogging - 8 laps = 1 km, 6 minutes 50 seconds.

Walking - 4 laps
20 Sit Ups
Walking - 4 laps

Quick Weights - Showing the boy how to do kettlebell Deadlifts.

I finished the jog with a 50m sprint. The boy lead the whole sprint. Either I'm getting slower or he's getting faster. Maybe a bit of each. The jog felt really good. I now have the confidence that I'll pass my PT test on the 28th.
After the PT test I'll be hitting the weights again. Not sure if I mentioned that I managed to find some chain. 1/2 inch guage, 3 inch long links. The 66 foot length I bought weighs 144lbs. So there fore if I cut the chain into 5 foot lengths each length will weigh about 11 lbs and I'll have 12 lengths. I can't wait (weight). LOL!!!


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