A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Speed Squats

I'm working out in a hurricane. Henry is coming ashore in Nova Scotia bringing wind and rain. It's actually not bad, just sounds cool.

Speed Squats - warm ups, 12 sets/2 reps/245lbs, 1 set/4 reps/315lbs.

The best speed squat work out I've had. Everything was working. Break at the hips, drop quick into the squat, and at depth drive up pushing the hips through. More practice and it will become more natural. I went up to 315lbs after my working sets to see what the speed technique felt like with slightly heavier weights. Kind of an oxymoron speed work / heavy weight. I'm not ready for speed work at 315lbs but I did have more pop even though I just finished all those sets. I'll focus on my hips when doing gear work later. Should be really interesting.


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