A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Gear Training, Squats

Today I went to the gym early to work on my second last week of gear training before the competition. I was scheduled for Bench Press today but I'm training with the bench press hooligans Thursday night. So, it was a perfect day for squats. Here's how it went.

Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/3 reps.
*put on knee wraps*
Squats - 405lbs/1 rep (very easy).
*put on suit, straps up*
Squats - 455lbs/1 rep, 495lbs/2 reps, 545lbs/1 rep!!!

The second last squat for 2 reps was fun. I didn't think I made depth on the first rep so I went for a second. The last set at 545lbs is a 60lbs PB. I am so pleased how the gear is turning out. So far in training I have reached all my goals for this competition. Now all I have to do is stay healthy and put it all together on the 24th.


1 comment:

Ryan Stinn said...

don't push too hard in the gym, getting a lift there doesn't mean anything, save the really heavy stuff for the platform!