A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday Bench

Today I had visions of doing lots of shirt work. Not so. My right elbow was bugging me as it does during rain storms or when it gets cold and wet. As I get a little older I'm finding that 2 sets of bench are not enough to warm up properly. Next week I won't make the same mistake.

Bench (raw) - bar/12 reps, 135lbs/12 reps, 225lbs/10 reps, 245lbs/3 reps. (sore elbow)
Bench (shirt) - 245lbs/3 reps (no touch), 275lbs/3 reps (just touched), 315lbs/3 reps (elbow really hurts now), 315lbs/3 reps (I'm finished).

The elbow pain was nothing to worry about because I've had it for some time now (years). I am however a bit puzzled about my shirt training. Any reference regarding bench shirts say that the tighter they are the better they work. With all the running I've been doing lately I've transformed some fat into muscle which has caused me to loose some size. I can now put on my shirt all by myself. I'm finding that the looser shirt helps me set up better, hence giving me better results. If my elbow wasn't bothering me today I'm sure I could have benched 315lbs for 5 or 6 reps. Way over my PB. I like whats happening with my shirt training. It's a bit unorthodox but it seems to be working for me.


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