A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday Squat Singles

After Monday's deadlifts I have been very negative about my progress since my surgery. Today my attitude has changed. Here's why.

Squats - 135lbs/6 reps, 225lbs/6 reps, 315lbs/3 reps, 365lbs/single, 405lbs/single.
Box Squats - 315lbs/3 reps, 365lbs/3 reps, 405lbs/2 reps, 425lbs/single.
Inclined Leg Press - 360lbs/6 reps, 540lbs/6 reps, 630lbs/6 reps.
Donkey Calf Raises - 300lbs/8 reps, 340lbs/8 reps, 400lbs/8 reps.

My PB's for squats and box squats are 440lbs and 455lbs. I'm very pleased with my lifts today. I'm currently working on a new routine to work on my weak points. For deadlifts I'll be doing only sumo style lifts and I'll continue to work on my upper back strength. For bench press I'll be working on my shoulders and work out twice a week instead of only once. For squats I'll continue to work on my posterior chain with heavy good mornings and Inclined leg press will help with handling the heavier weights with out injury.
To sum up; deadlifts are down, bench is normal, and squats are normal. Not too bad.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice work Gringo! Now that you have some more times under the bar you can see the challenges of making improvements in each area of your lifting. Keep up the good work.