A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Friday, February 23, 2007

Squat Day

It's hard to get back into doing squats and deadlifts. Because of my surgery I haddn't trained my posterior chain in about 2 months. I have no sympathy for weak muscle groups so I'm training my squats and deadlifts as hard as ever. Today was squat day, here's what happened.

Free Squats - bar/12 reps, 135lbs/8 reps, 225lbs/6 reps.
Box Squats - 6 sets/265lbs/5 reps.
Heavy Walkouts - 455lbs, 495lbs, 545lbs.
Good Mornings - 225lbs/6 reps, 275lbs/6 reps, 275lbs/6 reps.

I was feeling saucey again after doing my main exercises so I decided to crank up the tunes and hammer out some hammer curls.

Hammer Curls - 50lbs/10 reps, 60lbs/10 reps, 70lbs/10 reps, 75lbs/8 reps.

I noticed a lot of people stop what they were doing and watch when I picked up the 75lbers.

I'm training with my new equipment, trying to get used to the way it feels. I wore my knee wraps on the 2nd and 5th sets. Now that I'm getting them figured out I love the way the wraps give me a bit more spring at the bottom of the movement. gear is fun :-)


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