A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Max Effort Bench

Yesterday was max effort bench day. Once again I was surprised at how much fun it was. I had lots of energy through out the entire workout so I was able to give everything on every set. I can tell that things are working because my whole core area is very stiff and sore today. I'm sure this is because it's my weak point. Here is how my workout went;

Inclined Bench Press - Worked up to 265lbs for 3 reps.
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - 3 sets 6 reps 85-100lbs
OverHead Dumbbell Extension - 4 sets 10 reps 65-85lbs
Seated Cable Rows - 3 sets 8 reps 160-210lbs
Side Laterals - 3 sets 12 reps 20-25lbs

I was surprised at how much I could incline press. I must be increasing my bench press strength. I'm sure it will be a pleasant surprise when I try for a new 1RM.

So there it is. I now have my new training routine. I will do this Westside Barbell workout to maintain my overall strength. Working mostly on my core and support strength. Then before contests or when I want to try for a new 1RM, I expect 4 times a year, I will do a periodization routine to work down to my 1RM. I feel confident in this new training regiment. I'm sure it will work for me. I haven't shared with you my long-term goals with regards to powerlifting.

My life goals are this;

Squat - 600lbs or more
Bench Press - 400lbs or more
Deadlift - 600lbs or more

All of these lifts will be done raw and with only basic supplementation. Protein powder, Multi vitamin / Multi mineral. I don't believe in wearing suits that assist in ones lifts and I don't believe in extensive supplementation chemical or herbal. It just isn't a true test of ones strength. I'm sure lots of people will disagree with me but it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work Snowdaddy! You will find that you can bench more in decline than in a regular bench. Also, if you work it you may wind up pressing more with a narrow grip.
I think those goals are achievable at some point this year. You will be surprised when you get there at how much further you will want to go and how much more you are capable of.
