As per normal every year I make predictions of my year to come and only about 25% is correct. The rest is completely a wild card. The following is a "cut and paste" of my annual prediction a year ago.
Here is my prediction for 2024.
So far it looks like it's going to be the conclusion of everything that's been happening in 2023. It's going to be a huge year. However, there isn't a whole lot to discuss as the wheels are already in motion for what's going to happen.
The kitchen/house should be done by the spring. Couple more months to go.
My parents are selling their house in Nova Scotia and moving to Winnipeg. Hopefully this will happen shortly after the Manitoba Provincials 2-4 February. Having them here will be a huge improvement in their quality of life.
I will be starting another job. I hope I can get into the reserves.
I may be getting a new (to me) car.
Maybe I'll do a Strongman competition in the fall.
Here is what actually happened. It's not as different as it usually is.
2024 began with me quitting the Commissionaires. I won't go into details but leaving and being unemployed was a much better option than staying. Shortly after terminating my part time employment a friend of mine posted a link to a message published by the Canadian Armed Forces. Very early 2024 a fellow veteran posted a link on social media to a message from the Canadian Armed Forces titled, “Re-enrollment, Wanted: Experienced former RCAF members for re-enrollment. The RCAF is actively seeking to re-enroll former members, who were fully trained in their RCAF occupation and who meet the suitability requirements, as skilled applicants.” I seen his post, read the message and after a brief conversation with my wife decided to submit my name to return to uniform. 27 years ago I walked into recruiting to join the Canadian Armed Forces. Dejavu as I started it all over again. After what seemed like an endless amount of paperwork 1 August 2024 I was sworn into the CAF again. My first day back to work was August 12th. Crazy, I know.
The house / kitchen is complete and it's amazing. Our time in pennance was worth it. Everything is perfect, however, it seems like a never ending battle to reorganize. My wife and I are very pleased with quality of work that was done and a much better utilization of space. To date we've done so much with the house. 2024 marked 10 years being here.
On the subject of the house, my daughter and I made the trip to Nova Scotia to help my parents "down size" in preperation for selling thier house. In May we spent a month helping my parents. Heading home we drove my parent's SUV to Providence Rhode Island to meet my daughter's online boyfriend. 3 days at an Air B&B confirmed they are truly in love and meant to be. Fast forward to August and he's staying with us for six months. He's a great guy and very good for my daughter.
During the summer my parent's house sold. We found them a lovely home within walking distance. The move was chaotic but I wasn't working so my efforts were put into making the move happen for them. Most of the family was there to help them. My sister and two of her kids came out. With the work from my all of us including my wife and kids they were quickly moved in. The remainder to the summer was spent with lots of visits to Grandma and Grandpa's catching up for the years we were appart. It's nice having them here.
My wife is status quo and happy with her job. Our eldist daughter is almost done univeristy with outstanding grades. Her BF and her are still going strong and looking at getting a condo in 2025. Our son is still living out of province and still having fun with his career. Next daughter is enrolled in university taking early childhood education. She's doing a great job of balancing school and spending time with her boyfriend while he's here. Plans for thier future plans are still to be figured out. Our youngest is still in highschool and ideas for the future haven't happened yet. Despite the crazy chaos our immediate family is pretty normal.
As far as I'm concerned I'm now 52 and starting to feel my age. I've got loads of ideas and motivation but aches and pains are holding me back. I managed to lose 25lbs after getting back into uniform. I'd like to lose more but I constantly sabatage myself with food. I'm waiting to hear back from the men's clinic about lowish T levels. It would explain a lot if this fixes my age. Training is consistant. In February I competed at the Manitoba Provincial Powerlifting Championships. There I broke the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and Total Provincial records in all weight classes. In November I competed at "Iron Claw", Manitoba's first sanctioned grip competition. Also in November I competed at "Deep Freeze", a WRPF push / pull competition. As there were no National WRPF records for 50-55 SHW Men I am now the WRPF National record holder for Bench Press and Deadlift. For Christmas I got a log for training. The 2025 transition to Strongman is gonna happen.
2025 Predictions.
As I predicted in 2023, 2024 would bring conclusion. 2025 is a brand new year. New job, new sport. I really want to get into Strongman but I've got to complete a FORCE test before my one year anniversary in August. Now that I've put everything on paper sort a speak, my forcast is this. I'll get an appointment at the Men's Clinic and recieve some sort of hormone replacement such as testosterone. Shortly after that I'll start feeling like my regular self. I'll gain much needed energy and lose more body weight without comprimising strength. Once I feel like a warrior again I will be ready for battle. So far I've signed up for a chairity log lift in March. I also intend on doing a full Strongman competition in May.
Having my parents here is a load off our minds. There are here so we can help out as they get older. Driving is a big point. More so, it's nice to have them here so we don't miss spending anymore time they have left.
Seems like two out of the four children have their forever friend figured out. It'll be interesting to see where this leads. All the kids are doing well and will continue to do so 2025.
My wife will continue to enjoy where she works and we'll work at planning for retirement. Forecasting retirement NLT 2030.
Work will be work. I have a five year contract to complete. After that my time belongs to my wife and kids. I refuse to give up those golden years. 2025 will be about getting my authorizations back and be as productive as I was before I retired in 2019. There's lots of changes at work and I'm really enjoying being there. The problems I had in 2019 aren't relative. I have a new sunny disposition and enjoy work. The challenge is fun.
Happy New Year!!!
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