A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Friday, May 31, 2024

NG Inclined Bench Press

This morning I walked to the shops and back. It came to about 4.5km.

This evening I felt like moving some weights.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

NG Inclined Bench Press - 2 sets/10 reps/135lbs, 2 sets/10 reps/155lbs, 2 sets/10 reps/175lbs.

Seated Dumbbell OH Ext - 4 sets/6 reps/35lbs.

Still feeling heavy and fat but building strength.


Thursday, May 30, 2024

SSB Bench Squats

Looking for something fun to do today. Adding the SSB and a bench did the trick.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

SSB Bench Squats - bar/12 reps, 2 sets/10 reps/140lbs, 3 sets/10,10,12 reps/190lbs.


Rebounding - 30 minutes.

These worked extremely well for volume and total work. I'm going to work these for a while. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bench Press

A bit of time at the end of a busy day for some Bench Press.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Bench Press - 2 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 225lbs/12 reps.

NG Bench Press - 3 sets/6,8,10 reps/225lbs.

Now I have an old friend coming over for a beer.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Trap Bar

I haven't done any pulls in a long time. Today I really took it easy.

Rebounding - 20 minutes.

Trap Bar Rack Pulls - 2 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 3 sets/12 reps/235lbs.

That was more than enough to get a really good pump.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Rebounding Tonight

I got home then got onto the rebounder.

Rebounding - 45 minutes (+15 min this morning)

Every 15 minutes or so I worked pull up negatives.

Pull Up Negatives - 4 sets/30 reps.

My back and arms always feel nicely pumped when I add these.


NG Inclined Bench Press

Wonderfull weather to have the garage door open today. I can feel the energy come back into my body. I don't want to jinx it so here we go.

Rebounding - 20 minutes.

NG Inclined Bench Press - bar/10 reps, 2 sets/10 reps/115lbs, 2 sets/10 reps/135lbs, 2 sets/10 reps/155lbs.

Dumbbell Side Laterals - 10lbs/12 reps, 2 sets/12 reps/20lbs.

Now it's lunch. Going out with a friend for coffe. Tonight I'll bounce more.

Oh ya, btw. I'm down almost 5lbs. I feel good for it.


Sunday, May 26, 2024


My daughter came over to learn from the master today. She trains regularly but wants to get stronger. Specifically for squats. Once you master form I like the old saying. "To squat more, you must squat more." 

Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Squats - 95lbs/6 reps, 115lbs/6 reps, 135lbs/6 reps, 155lbs/6 reps, 245lbs/6 reps, 4 sets/3,1,3,4 reps/315lbs.

My strength is way down but this is a good start. I'm also trying to lose some body weight. 370lbs right now is waaaay too heavy.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Bench Press

Yesterday I managed an hour and over 10k steps on the rebounder.
Today we were busy doing some house work. This evening went like this.

Rebounding - 15 minutes.

Bench Press - 5 sets/12 reps/135lbs.

Now I'm watching the NHL Stanley Cup Finals. Go Edmonton!


Thursday, May 23, 2024


Starting slow.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Squats - 3 sets/6 reps/bar, 2 sets/6 reps/135lbs, 2 sets/6 reps/225lbs.

Later on in the evening.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Nothing difficult.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Inclined NG Bench Press

It's time to start training again. Slow and easy.

Rebounding - 60 minutes (total)

Inclined NG Bench Press - 3 sets/10 reps/115lbs, 3 sets/10 reps/135lbs.

Nothing fancy.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I'm Back!!!

This is the longest hiatus I've taken from lifting, training and entering posts. I spent some time visiting with my parents in Nova Scotia. I was helping them downsize in preperation for their move here to Winnipeg in July. I don't really have anything to train for right now so the break was nice.
Now I'm back home and life continues. Time to get the train back on the tracks. However, I'm not exactly sure where to start. Life is so busy right now. I want to do so much but there's only so much time. Enough about that. Here's how today went.

Rebounding - 40 minutes total.

Pull Up Negatives - 5 sets/ 20 reps.
Kettlebell Swings - 3 sets/20, 20, 30 reps.

Feeling fat and out of shape. Time for a change.
