A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Friday, December 15, 2006

Change Of Plan

I went to see the Doc today regarding the surgery I had last week. He said that everything is going great but I won't be able to start proper training for at least another 3 weeks. I asked if bench training would be alright and he gave me the green light to bench again. At my last meet I missed qualifying for nationals in the bench only by 2.5 Kg. I'm sure I could make this up by April when nationals are being held. I can't do any squating style training but I can do lots of pressing. I was also thinking about getting my weight down to under 125kg (I was 128kg in November) and make it even easier to qualify. The 125kg class bench qualifying is 147.5 kg. That means I've already done it. Cool! This week end I'll come up with and training program to get me to nationals. The MPA is planing a meet some time the begining of February. Let's do this!


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