A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Monday, September 02, 2024


Yesterday was my Birthday, 52 years young. I usually like to do an epic workout on important days but it was so crazy busy I didn't have time. And, of course, family comes first. Today I have about three hours in the morning. Time to get my Squats on.

Rebounding - 20 minutes.

Leg Swings and Dynamic Stretches.

Squats - bar/10 reps, 135lbs/8 reps, 225lbs/6 reps/4 sets/3,3,3,6 reps/315lbs.

Last set of 315lbs was a real grind. Weightloss is going in the right direction. This morning I weighed in at 362.5lbs. My belt even felt a little looser. Awesome!


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