A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Monday, August 26, 2024

Buffalo Bar Bench Squats and NG Inclined Presses

Yesterday was ridiculously hot and humid. I got out into the garage early and finished up before noon.

Rebounding - 30 minutes.

Buffalo Bar Bench Squats - 135lbs/12 reps, 135lbs + chains/12 reps, 235lbs + chains/12 reps, 2 sets/285lbs.

I was supposed to do three sets but the heat and humidity was too much. My breathing was heavy and I was sweating through my clothes. Good time to stop.

Today I worked. After work I got out to the garage.

Rebounding - 45 minutes.

NG Inclined Presses - 3 sets/12 reps/135lbs, 3 sets/12 reps/155lbs.

A good training day. Bodyweight is still going down. Last weigh-in 363lbs. That's ten pounds down.


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